
Creating positive and safer learning environments for everyone.

Our training programmes equip staff with the essential skills and confidence required to identify and prevent risk situations and proactively manage children and young people who display behaviours that challenge, ensuring positive outcomes for all, not just in the classroom – but beyond.

With our positive approach to behaviour management, the evidence based learning and preventative strategies we teach are applicable for all levels of SEND professionals and are transferrable for use across other care services. In moments of crisis, working within a clearly defined framework when facilitating positive behavioural support ensures best practise and synergy between governing bodies, parents/carers and SEND staff.

Overall, our main goal is to develop communication skills and strategies that increase staff confidence and help create a positive culture and safe learning environment, allowing students and staff to thrive.

We recognise the rising pressures that those working in Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) are experiencing when it comes to managing a wide range of behaviours.

Did you know?

9 in 10 teachers say they have been abused, either verbally or physically, from pupils in the past year

Source: NASUWT Teachers Union

With our training, your staff will be able to…

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